Sunday, August 14, 2011

Simple 3 Day Detox Diet Recipe

Posted by Anti Harandini at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Doing a 3 day detox is a simple way to stay healthy and to lose weight . It’s only 3 days so it will not be a grueling marathon. I find short detox diets done more often works better for me. This simple detox should increase your energy too.

5 Fast Weight Loss Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Posted by Anti Harandini at 1:57 AM 0 comments
If you’ve been struggling with weight loss for years, these 5 quick weight loss tips can help you lose weight quickly. You can lose weight quickly in a month following these simple tips.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to Reduce Menstrual Cramps

Posted by Anti Harandini at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Having your period is hard enough, now you have to deal with cramps. Cramps are caused by the contraction of your uterus during your period. It usually means that the uterine muscles are contracting too hard. The pain can be mild, moderate or severe. You may feel the cramps in your abdomen, pain in your back, or even down your legs. Ibuprofen can help to relieve the pain. Be sure to not use more than the daily prescribed dose, you may end up doing more harm than good.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Panic Attacks in Children

Posted by Anti Harandini at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Panic Attacks in Children Children, like adults are vulnerable to panic attacks. You can save your child from a lifetime of suffering by recognizing the signs early. This article will help you understand panic attacks in children. 
Children and adolescents suffer from panic attacks due to pressure and tension from family and peer. Children may experience fear and discomfort that can be real or a part of their imagination. Children cannot express their feelings to their parents, building up more stress. These innocent, immature children cannot cope up with anxiety and panic attacks.

Parents think that children are safe from all the problems and stress that life has to offer. They just have to concentrate on their studies and their future. Childhood is thought as the most comfortable phase of life. But, in today's world, things are a bit different. Children are growing faster than their age and they are under pressure from all walks of life. They need to be best among their siblings and friends. They need to be more competitive athletically and need to maintain their image socially. These factors may lead to social anxiety and the child develops anxiety symptoms.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Get rid of bad breath

Posted by Anti Harandini at 2:57 PM 0 comments
 Get rid of bad breath and get on with your life

Want to get rid of bad breath? Bad breath or halitosis can be frustrating and discouraging. Even your closest friends might not be comfortable in talking to you. If your work involves being around people, it is vital that you always keep a check on your breath. You could also ask someone close to you to tell you if there is a problem with your breath.
Do not lose heart! You can get rid of bad breath by sitting in the comfort of your house. A number of simple things could be done in order to get rid of bad breath. Remember that breath that smells bad or halitosis could be a problem that could be handled easily. Take your time in order to solve the problem. Also keep in mind that you will never come to know if your breath smells bad but others will easily come to know of it. There are certain tips that you could follow in order to get rid of bad breath.

Yoga tips for healthy, beautiful eyes

Posted by Anti Harandini at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Eyes speak volumes about the status of health of an individual. They are the windows of your soul, and one of God’s greatest blessings, apart from the five other senses. Yet, people tend to ignore the necessity of taking care of eyes. Healthy sparkling eyes look naturally beautiful. There are several ancient practices which could be followed to keep your eyes healthy.

Yogic eye exercises when done on a regular basis are a gentle, effective way to prevent development of vision problems. The simple yoga exercises described here can, no-doubt, prove useful in maintaining healthy eyesight.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Diet In Islam

Posted by Anti Harandini at 12:10 AM 0 comments


The Greatest Gift - The Human Body

Diet plays a very important role in the daily life of a believer. There are many verses in the Noble Qur’ân which draw man's attention towards his self and which invite him to carefully study his body and soul and the nature of their mutual relationship. By doing so, one will firstly find in it strong evidence of the existence of Allah and that Allah has not created mankind and all other beings of this world without any purpose as mentioned in the Noble Qur’ân:
 “Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose.”
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